a) 投稿准备
b) 论文提交
All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. If an author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, the following acts of sanction will be taken:
1) Reject the article submitted or delete the article from the final publications.
2) Report the authors violation to his/her supervisor(s) and affiliated institution(s).
3) Report the authors violation to the appropriate overseeing office of academic ethics and research funding agency.
4) Reserve the right to publish the authors name(s), the title of the article, the name(s) of the affiliated institution and the details of misconduct, etc. of the plagiarist.
5) No refunds will be made for academic misconduct at any time.
a. 提交确认:当您提交了一篇新的论文,编辑或者助理编辑将会在1-3个工作日内给您发邮件进行确认。如果您没有收到确认邮件,请检查您邮箱的垃圾箱或者通过官方邮箱联系我们。
b. 预审:首先编辑或助理编辑将对文章的领域是否符合大会要求进行初步评审,接下来将对文章进行重复率检查。任何超出会议领域或者有抄袭,包括自我剽窃的文章都将被直接拒稿。
c. 同行审查:我们采取双向盲审系统,对审稿专家和作者的身份都将进行匿名。每篇文章都将被至少两名专家审理:一名编辑部成员以及一至三名外审专家。审稿周期为1个月。
d. 审稿结果:审稿专家的建议将会决定文章的录用或拒稿。如果审稿专家之间对文章的意见有分歧,主编将参考所有审稿意见并对其进行权衡以做出最终判断,或者申请第二轮审稿。
e. 审稿结果通知:文章的审理结果将通过邮件发送给通讯作者。
f. 注册缴费:文章录用之后,作者对文章进行最后修改提交终稿并缴费。
g. 终稿校对:论文将在出版前进行终稿校对,请所有注册成功的作者密切关注邮件通知并及时反馈确认,一旦校对确认将不能再更改。
h. 终稿查重:校对完成之后将对所有稿件进行最终的查重工作,重复率过高的文章将被拒绝出版。使用的软件是CrossCheck 或者Turnitin,建议重复率控制在30%以下。请作者避免一稿多投以及重复率过高的问题。
i. 电子版论文集:文章出版后,我们会将电子版的会议论文集通过邮件发送给每篇文章的通讯作者,并邮寄数字光盘出版物。
j. 出版通知:作者和读者都将被通知且邀请登录我们的会议官网对新文章进行查看。